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Dentadura Dental

Clinic Cases

At Blent Clinic, we are dedicated to detail and professionalism in each patient, documenting the entire process from the first appointment in order to be able to see the work before and after, to be able to continue monitoring after months of having done the work. 

Blent Clinic

That piece is decided to extract, previously what was done was to wait to remove the tooth, wait for the patient to heal. Two months later the placement of the implant is done and two or three months after, the placement of the tooth. So to do that, the patient is going through three surgeries.

What we currently do is place a guide to place the implant on the same appointment that the patient ges the extract of the tooth.

It is very important to do the planning of these guides because it is what ensures the position of the implant that it is in the right position so that the tooth can also be in the right direction.

Once we place the implant we make the temporary tooth placement. All of this is done at the same appointment, which saves the patient time and surgery time as well. That’s the result. The same day of surgery, when the patient takes the extraction, implant placement and his temporary tooth.

Implante Dental


Dental Implantes

Implant cases are not as invasive a treatment as is believed or thought. Implant treatment is somewhat minimally invasive. It's the way we handle it now. We have here the case of a patient who has lost a dental piece due to an accident. 

Perdida de diente por golpe
Cirguía Guíada Dental
Trabjo seguro por Blent


Dental Crowns

A very common case that we have in the clinic, is the replacement of dental crowns.


There are patients who long ago went for dental crowns of metal materials that were previously used and patients at that time, already after years present this situation. 

Oxidación de Coronas de metal.
Coronas de metal oxidadas.
Ciruguía guíada dental .
Colocación de coronas.

A gray area and a dark area in the part of the gum caused by the color of the metal and also trapping food around the crowns, that those crowns are leaking, food is being passed. The patient may have sensitivity or this may cause cavities, because it is necessary to change them not only for the aesthetic aspect. 

When we analyze these cases, we observe that the metal material is affecting the tooth, affecting the portion of the gum and is causing a pressure on the lateral teeth. If we analyze the aesthetic shape of these teeth, they are very disproportionate to the teeth next door and the color’s not so much like the teeth next door either.

For these cases we made, removed the previous crowns and made new crowns with materials now free of metal. Ceramic materials, much more aesthetic materials and we get results like this. The color is very similar to natural teeth and the proportion is much better for the patient and we can see it in the smile photograph.

If we compare the before this patient where he couldn’t even show his teeth, then we see some inflamed areas, because it is the first day they are placed, but the gum tends to recover from two to three weeks. 

Colocación de coronas.
Trabajo seguro dental.



This case is a patient who comes in for veneers and is looking for an aesthetic treatment because she doesn’t like the look of her smile.

A very common question in veneer patients is the number of veneers.

How many veneers will I need in case of it? How do we analyze it? By the amount of teeth she shows.

If we look at the smile of this patient it shows from these teeth that are already molars to the molars on the other side. This is how we first determine the number of veneers.

In this photograph it helps us to analyze the details that we want to correct in the case of that patient, for example, the length of the teeth and the direction of the teeth, we see wavy teeth and we see a change in color on the right side.

Cambio de carillas.

For that, we help ourselves with this type of photographs, also retraction photographs where we can explain to the patient exactly what type of restorations they need for thier case.

For example, in her case, she has three teeth of a different color because she already has a job donde before, she has two worn teeth, she also has very short teeth that can be improved and the color change of her pieces does not match each other.

With a veneer job combining different materials, we can improve its aesthetic appearance.

That is the case of our finished patient. What do we use here?

We changed her previous restorations, we improved the proportion of the teeth, we made the two front teeth longer and we also improved the shape of her smile. Something very important in this type of case is that we can not only change the shape of the teeth, but with the restorations, with the veneers, we can improve the shape and movement of the lip.

If you look at the photo, in the initial photo of the patient, she doesn't show much of her teeth, but by making the restorations a little thicker towards the front, we improve the position of the lip and she shows a wider smile.

Dientes manchados.
Dientes manchados.
Colocación de carillas.
Trabajo seguro dental.
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